Classroom learning is no longer a unidirectional process where teacher is the only person that speaks, while the pupils listen. Despite the introduction of computers in classrooms there has not been much of a change in classroom learning style. In classes where there are no teachers, and students sit with computers, once again the opportunities of interactions are limited. Communication is usually one way, with computers giving instructions and learners executing them.
To come out of this situation it is advisable to attend support learning system where there is scope for interactivity between teachers and students. St. Alban’s tutors are among the educationists who are initiating this change in this English city. These tutors teach in groups. These groups are small consisting of 4 or 5 children and belonging to the same class or are of the same age. It is essential to keep it thus, so as to encourage every student to participate. Participation or interactions among members become easier when the premise of thinking remains same.
Presence of a tutor hastens this process of interaction. It is required of a tutor to take active part in group discussions. This makes the students comfortable and encourages them to speak out and share their views. It is a collective learning process.
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